Thursday, October 11, 2007

Learning Profile

The text mainly consisted of learning styles. It taught you things like what type of learner you are and how you learn best and how you can use that to your advantage. It also gave you a great deal of insight to who you are as a person and how you react with people. Taught you a lot of different things like reading comprehension study skills, things about culture. And about college life.
In this class we learned basically learned how to survive and in the college environment. We also learned about what type of learner we are. I found out that I was a more visual spatial learner. This means I learn best watching someone else do it first. Over had transparencies and writing notes on the board help me learn better. I’m also really good with charts graphs and maps. I also learned that I work really well with people. On job that the job search thing said I should do is be a accountant because I have good moth skills and I work well with people. Another job that would be good for me is being a travel agent because of my people skills and my skills with maps.
My weakness as a learner is definitely reading I have dyslexia so that makes things really difficult. My P’s look like Q’s and my B’s look like D’s. the letters really get scrabbled around in my head and its really hard to focus on each individual word. I’ve special help to try and solve the problem but its still hard to read. I also wish I was more intrapersonal. I wish I could have a deep awareness of my own feelings . I also wish I was more naturalistic and knew a lot more about the environment and nature and plants and animals. I love nature but I just don’t know a lot about it. I could improve my knowledge about animal life by taking more geology classes .
I learned a lot about the do’s and don’ts and what’s expected of the typical college student . I also learned that’s its a lot different form high school . You have a lot more freedom in college and with that freedom comes a great amount responsibility. You don’t always have mom and dad looking over our shoulder telling you what to do any more. College is way more like the real world. You make a choice not to go to class a few times and you could wind up being dropped . If you fall below 12 credit hours you get your scholarship taken away and you get kicked out of the dorms but still have to pay for them. On of the most shocking things we discussed in class was drinking and how many college students die a year from drinking to much. It was really eye-opening.
I really liked the job search thing we did in class because to be quite honest I really don’t know what I want to do when I get out of college. It really helped me to narrow my search down and figure out what types of jobs Id be good at . The website was a good one. It showed how much school you needed to get into each job and how much you get paid and if the job was hot right now. I found out that id be a really good buyer. Or an accountant. Before that class I wouldn’t have known what those jobs were. This activity really showed me what id be happy with doing for the rest of my life. The library resources lecture was pretty cool too. I didn’t know how easy it was to search for journals and other things
I think the course worked pretty well considering the time we had to complete it in. the job search worked really well. I think you should keep that because if any other college kid is like me, that’s something that they would want to know about. You should keep having the librarian coming in and talking to the class because she had a lot of useful information to give out that I think would really benefit other students. Think you should definitely keep showing the alcohol video because its fun to watch videos in class and it’s a good way to get the message across about the dangers of alcohol. I think on exorcise that we did that you can loose is the one where we had to step on the like if we liked something and stay where we were standing if we didn’t I fund that to be kind of pointless.
If I were to give any advice to people coming into the course for the fist time it would be to participate in class because it pays of f. and try and have an open mind about everything your doing don’t just go through the motions and say your to cool to do this kind of stuff. Actually process the information and relate it to your life. Id wish id known that this blog was going to take this long to do before a came into this class. Now I’m almost at the deadline and I’m still not finished. The most important thing I think is just do the work its not that hard and you find some out some pretty cool things about yourself on the way. Just do the work and you’ll be fine.
I think I’m a lot more knowledgeable about what I want to do with my life and what to do and not to do when I’m in college. Now I know what to do in the dorms. I know good study habits. I how to study things more effectively based on my learning style. I will do a lot of things defiantly know I will use the library resources more and I will think of teachers as people trying to help me not just people who give me bad grades. I think I got along really well with my instructor and my fellow classmates. I gave them all the respect they deserved and in return they all gave me the respect I deserved.

Acedemic Plan

There are a lot of things that I can see myself doing in the future. At one point I could see my self being a buyer for a company. At one point I wanted to be an optometrist. As of night now I am leaning more toward coaching or sports medicine. The point is that I don’t know what I want to do yet. I think that I have a lot of skills that very in different fields. Next semester, I am going to take courses that go toward my degree in general studies. After that I plan to transfer out into a four year school of my choice and figure out what my major is going to be from their. After that I’ll probably go to graduate school and get masters. im not really sure what I want to be yet but mostly all of my options require a lot of school. most require a masters. all of the others require a bachelors degree. where ever i go after this im hoping to pay for college with a football scholorship

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Community Service

The problem that really bothers me in America to today is the war. I think it has gone on long enough and that we have gotten everything done that we have needed to accomplish in Iraq. We have gotten rid of the dictator Saddam Hussein and have established a democracy in a country that before didn’t share the freedoms that we in America take for grained. When I’m sitting at home watching the news, and I hear about another soldier dieing in Iraq from a rebellion I think to myself. Why? What else do we need to accomplish in Iraq? My personal opinion is that are army shouldn’t be occupying a country that is going through a civil war. All of the conflict that is going on in Iraq seems to be there problems not ours. There problems in no way threaten our freedom or our lives. So I ask again. Why are we there? It coast about 1 billon dollars a week to fund the war in Iraq. So basically we are paying our tax dollars as Americans to have our soldiers to go over there and die for a problem that doesn’t affect us. It doesn’t make much sense to me. Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do about this problem. The only things I can really think of is contact your state senator and tell him to propose to end this war. Another thing you can do is send money, food, cards and different things to the troops to support them. Other then that, what else can you do besides prey that the war ends soon?

Academic Honesty

My definition of violating academic honesty is when someone dose, uses, or copies anyone else’s work and uses it as there own. It is also dishonest to use someone’s work without giving them proper credit like citing there work incorrectly or not citing it at all. This goes from cheating on a test or doing someone’s homework for them; to stealing someone’s journal online and using it as your own or sealing work for a book. This happens all the time in high school and college environments around the nation. You always hear about some paying another person to do there paper, or people cheating on tests. In the case of cheating, I believe that both parties are guilty; the person taking information as well as the person giving it. There are many reasons that people would resort to academic honesty. For example, maybe someone didn’t have a chance to study or do a paper for what ever reason. Or maybe someone was just being lazy. When it comes to citing things in papers, a lot of the time people don’t know how to cite work, or make a bibliography page. Their have been a lot of times when I’m doing a paper late at night and I see a good source or information and I feel like just copying and pasting the whole thing into my paper but I realize this is wrong and I don’t. There are some pretty server punishments for academic dishonesty. For example, at the high school I attended, punishments for academic dishonesty can go from taking a zero or, detention to suspension or expulsion from the school depending on the severity of the crime.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

coping with change

Probably the biggest change for me in the past year is football. Football takes up most of your time in college. During camp we would have three practices a day sometimes. We would wake up at 7 have position meetings, then go to practice, have brunch, after that we would have another practice followed by conditioning, film and more meetings. We would end up getting back to the room at about nine o’clock, only to wake up in the morning to do it all over again. It was the hardest two weeks of my life. Combined with school it makes things really difficult. To go class then to go to football practice, then have to eat and take a quick shower in 30 minutes to go to class again is something that I never had to experience in high school. This is a good thing and a bad thing. On one hand, it’s really stressful putting up with school and practice. On the other hand, it keeps me focused and it doesn’t allow my mind to wonder. This change is necessary if I want to keep my scholarship. This change has actually made me a more organized person out of necessity. I feel that if I was the same person I was in high school that I am today, I wouldn’t get nearly the things done that I needed to. All and all I think this change is a good thing. It is teaching me to become a more self reliant person.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

time management

There are always a lot of things going on in my life all at once. On any given day I’m always really busy doing something. Let me take you through a typical week day in my life. I wake up. Go to class for a good three hours, Do most of my home work. go to lunch rest for 30 to 45 minutes get ready for practice. Go to practice for 3 hours, eat dinner. 15 minutes of rest, go to film then to weights, and then back to my room to do the rest of my homework and study. And that’s on a day where I don’t have my night class. With my busy life style time management is essential. Making poor time mistakes would result in me being late or not being fully prepared for class. To prevent this from happening, I try and keep up with filling out my planner. This way I know what’s due and when a big test is coming up so I can prepare myself accordingly. In high school I didn’t manage my time very well at all. Id often find myself talking on the phone or just lying around the house knowing that I had a test the next day, or a paper due. This resulted in me not being prepared. Since there are harsher punishments academic wise in college I find that I am more focused and better with my time management. I feel that I have really good judgment of time and what is and isn’t important.

Butler Resources

If i were failing a class in college i would first talk to my teacher, or at lest send her or her an email. I would try to find a way to my things work. Most teachers don't want to fail students so im sure they'd try to work with you. If that didn't work, then I'd try to drop the class. Thier are a few ways you can do this. You can try and do it onlin or you can email your teacher and tell him or her your dropping. If all eles fails just try to study harder their are alot of websites you can go to and get help like lexisnexis or proqest

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hey whats up everyone my name is Kyle Rooks. I like football, chess , and hanging out with friends