Sunday, October 7, 2007

Community Service

The problem that really bothers me in America to today is the war. I think it has gone on long enough and that we have gotten everything done that we have needed to accomplish in Iraq. We have gotten rid of the dictator Saddam Hussein and have established a democracy in a country that before didn’t share the freedoms that we in America take for grained. When I’m sitting at home watching the news, and I hear about another soldier dieing in Iraq from a rebellion I think to myself. Why? What else do we need to accomplish in Iraq? My personal opinion is that are army shouldn’t be occupying a country that is going through a civil war. All of the conflict that is going on in Iraq seems to be there problems not ours. There problems in no way threaten our freedom or our lives. So I ask again. Why are we there? It coast about 1 billon dollars a week to fund the war in Iraq. So basically we are paying our tax dollars as Americans to have our soldiers to go over there and die for a problem that doesn’t affect us. It doesn’t make much sense to me. Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do about this problem. The only things I can really think of is contact your state senator and tell him to propose to end this war. Another thing you can do is send money, food, cards and different things to the troops to support them. Other then that, what else can you do besides prey that the war ends soon?

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